jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

You can start to feel sorry for me; It can't be worse than doing it myself.

This is the second moving post I do.

But my ubication is secret. Though I will say it some other day.

I'm just making an exception this one time 'cause I really needed to vend out.

This is one of the saddest days of my life.

First thing in the morning, I realized I still like the guy I thought I hated.

In school. The guy I mentioned in the other post said that he stopped talking to us because he was just interested in girls.

I wonder what that makes me then...

There's some contest in my school. Like a rally. And I've been supporting the teams since I was in first grade. And I promised to myself that I was going to participate in it someday.

After picking me as one of the persons competing. They took me out. As easy as that. Then everybody was like "aww Laura I'm so sorry.".

So after the bitch slap in the face and the deception. They made me feel pathetic and worthless.

I told my mom that I was going to be part of it. And she told me that it was going to be okay. That I was going to be selected.


I don't want to cheer a team anymore without participating.

I won't do it.

Then Oscar Wilde told me that what I make is not art. That is just an autobiography. 'Cause I put too much of myself in my poems.

And you know what?. I totally agree with him.

But let me tell you Oscar. You did the same mistake as I. Though mine is worst 'cause I'm still doing it wrong.

I'm sorry if I'm depressing you with my sad life. But my friends are all really happy. I don't want to be on their way.

p.s; I'm sorry
p.p.s; YES. I like someone who will never like me. FINE.
p.p.p.s; Jonas Brothers concert coming. woohoo...

"But I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all."

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