I couldn't pick my favorite one 'cause I kept changing them.
Don't worry though, I found a way to describe every kid and my experience with them. The thing is that they happen to form a little high school. Don't understand?. Here it goes.
The Jock;(Ivan) He is this cute little boy who the other kids call to play with them, he is boyfriend of one of the girls (Camila), when we gave an order and the other kids didn't pay attention he told everyone to listen. I discovered that the kid poops A LOT. Like seriously he pooped his pants every 5 minutes. And he didn't say anything just "I like lions. You are a lion and I'm the tiger" and "I'm the princess" xd. Poor kid:p I hope he remembers that when he grows old.
Plastic Girl; (Camila) As I said she is girlfriend of Ivan. She's this clingy bipolar girl who doesn't gives a fuck about Ivan, but when a girl is close to him she starts caring. And well that's pretty much it:).
Plastic Girl's Best Friend; (Chantal) She is BFF of Camila and is a freaking copy cater, like you say "Camila say Hi" the girl will say hi too. Once I carried her and she didn't wanted to get of my lap, and if I walked to the house she would be right on my tale walking beside me.
The Bullie; (Manuel) I think he is deaf, 'cause he didn't heard when you talked to him and it started to get annoying with the time. He laughed at everything and every time the twins grounded somebody they called it "Thinking" so let's just say Manuel has to be a fucking Buddha with all the time he had to think. OH and I think he has a crush on Camila.
The Bullie's Best Friend; (Nicolas) He is just this weird kid who is trying to get your attention, I mean he was nice and all, and we only had to put him in "Thinking"once. But the kid couldn't fight his own battle alone. He was always calling us and telling us how somebody punched him or something.
The class president; (Dammit I can't remember her name) The thing is she was this girl who was always trying to talk with Camila and always talked with everybody and all.
The hot outcast; (Diego) I think he was the youngest. But all he did was sit on the rocks looking around. And if you look closely everybody was around him. Like he was the coolest of all.
And well the other kids were babys:).
What I learned?; I miss being a little kid. No broken heart, you don't have to be good enough for anybody, if you have a fight with your friends you don't even have to say sorry, you just need some rocks and imagination to have fun, every time you feel like doing something you do it without thinking in the consequences and at the end of the day. You will always have your parents to come pick you up and give you a big hug.
Shorter? I want to go back to my good old days and be happy again.
You didn't think my day went perfectly fine right?.
My dad came to pick me up and said he had to take some things to his work. When we were there he left me in the car and took the keys, I watch him carry the things and then he started talking to two women, while I was in the car sweating.
So I decided to beep the horn and it didn't even pass 5 seconds before they looked at me and then went back to their conversation. I beeped it again and they didn't even bother.
Oh and God knows I wasn't done. I opened the door and then slammed it really hard. But just one of the women turned around and looked at me like "wtf is wrong with this kid?". So I took Phillip leaved the car open and went for a walk. Till 10 minutes later my dad was calling me on the phone saying he was going to pick me up.
I don't know why you still think I hate you because of my mom. Guess what? She isn't the only one doing something wrong here.
Wanted my honest answer? I think that the only good thing you have done with your life is putting out your sperm into my mom.
p.s; Some pictures I took only for you to see how it was like :);
(That's Ivan, he got to be my last favorite)
(This baby has the cutest laugh ever)
(all the kids and their idea of fun... with rocks. And my friend trying to put some order).
"If I could just find the time, then I would never let another day go by; I'm over, getting old."