viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

My imaginary boyfriend who is VERY REAL.

So this is a funny history :).

Two of my best friends are a couple now, so one day as a joke I said my future boyfriend Jacob , would be so much better.

The thing is I liked the joke.

I made up a whole character and I can't stop thinking about him.

The story of me and Jacob is that he will be in my school next year, and I will meet him there. But he lives like 2 houses away from mine, and he has a twin sister so I can use as an excuse to visit him so my mom will let me go.

We will be those kind of couples that are sick lovely and all that shit.

My friends mock me because of him :P, but wouldn't it be cool if there were actually a Jacob?.

And whatever the thing is I got to the point that I believe the story myself. It's pathetic I know... But I like it :).

I think I will be crushed when I get to school and don't find any Jacob...

"If I could just walk away without you from day to day, I would die just thinking of you."

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