martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

The girl behind the smile

What's up readers?.

That's a lame entry :p, it's not my style xd anyways.

this one post I'll make it short 'cause it's just to let you know that I've been experimenting a little with the blog options..


so well.. i was thinking. to the ones who want to be updated directly to your hotmail (meaning it will send you a message letting you know when I update) send me a messages or tell me if you want to be subscribed. i need a list of the mails to put it up :P.

and also i changed my comments thing and you can comment without being a member here. just if you wanted it to xd. so now you dont have excuses... i mean it's not like im going to stop writing because i have no comments. i tend to deal very well with that.

and well thats it sorry for the spelling again. IM on a hurry i will come back though maybe tonight maybe tomorrow. there has been a lot of things going around my life lately. so i should apologize for all this non senses updates

p.s; just os you know. I havent sleep in 2 days. literally. so if i have an urgent break down. dont be to surprised.

p.p.s; oh yeah my p.s; are back :D. didnt thought it will last for too long?.

p.p.p.s; sorry for the other post; it was a crying shame.

"We're all part of the same sick little games; And I need a get-away."

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